
You’re in This Together, So Why Not Share Dental Practice Analytics With Your Team?

Jun 03, 2022

Knowledge is power. That familiar statement has a different kind of relevance as it relates to sharing dental practice analytics with your team.

The right information in the right hands can lead to more focused productivity. Shared knowledge also creates a sense of ownership that’s key to your practice’s culture.

Why are we here?

A real frustration among dental staff could be the feeling that they’re a “warm body,” merely showing up for work. That experience creates a disconnect between their roles and the practice’s success.

Team members can also get the sense that money (production data) is all that matters. And while your revenue stream is a significant measure of practice health, there’s more knowledge power your staff could benefit from.

We’re in this together!

Communicating that value consistently will help keep team members in touch with their roles and aligned with each other. Beyond the shared camaraderie is allowing your team to know what’s being measured and why.

Data often comes into play when numbers are down. It’s essential to monitor a decline — say in production or new patient metrics — but there’s more to data analytics than “we-must-do-better” conversations.

  • Communicate that measurement matters. It follows the mindset that what’s measured gets improved.
  • Confirm what’s being measured in your practice. Explain key performance indicators and general performance statistics such as production and collections.
  • Commit to a consistent review of the metrics that matter — with your practice/office manager and your team.

Let’s talk data and sharing analytics with your dental team

Numbers aren’t for everyone. If a team member’s eyes glaze over, cut them some slack but stay the course on raising the value of data for tracking your practice’s success.

Keep data sharing simple and easy to understand

Avoid throwing too much at your team. Remember not everyone is a data junkie.

  • Create the notion that the more they know, the more empowered they will feel in their respective roles.
  • Connect their roles to specific data sets. This helps them see that what they do matters to the broader practice culture (remember the “why are we here?” idea).
  • Commit a portion of your daily team huddles to crunching some numbers. Again, don’t flood the conversation with metrics, but use them as a catalyst for the day’s energy and workflow.

Share the data that’s relevant to your team’s roles, routines and responsibilities

Production data

This knowledge power helps keep everyone on target. It’s an essential evaluation point for scheduling, follow-up and treatment workflows.

  • Focus attention on schedule gaps. Are they the result of cancellations or no-shows, lack of follow-up, reminder protocols or case presentation and acceptance specifics?
  • Explore where you can extend hygiene production into other (on record) unscheduled treatment or additional services such as whitening or a filling.
  • Get team input about how production blocks can be maximized or expanded daily or weekly.

Financial and insurance data

Some team members are tasked with tracking, monitoring and following up on collections. This data zone will be second nature to them.

Others might also benefit from knowing where your practice stands on the financial bottom lines.

  • Stay current with in-network insurance data. Write-off percentages and adjustment protocols help keep your team in tune with your revenue stream.
  • Clarify comparisons (when necessary) between collections and production totals.

Again, some enjoy eating financial data for breakfast. Know your financial “fans” and make sure to leverage their energy in productive ways around this data set.

New and active patient data

Patient numbers can be deceiving on occasion. It’s helpful to have the “How many new patients have we seen?” conversation regularly.

  • Evaluate your dental marketing strategies. What’s working and on what channels are you getting the best ROI (for example: social media, email, online content, and direct mail)?
  • Direct available team energy toward an always-be-engaging mindset. Include casual requests for reviews, referrals and social media likes and shares in your patient conversations.

New and active patient data knowledge flows naturally into improving patient engagement. Marketing, follow-up and referral strategies are empowered by analyzing the available data.

Sharing data with your team keeps the essentials front of mind. And it focuses team energy in the direction of high-leverage tasks and workflows.

Explore the following related resources to support data sharing among your team members:

How Data-Driven Goals and Strategies Align With Dental Practice Operational Success

5 Ways to Transform Your Results With Dental Analytics

Data-driven conversations are supported by trusted data analytics tools

The Jarvis Analytics platform helps assure that you’re tracking the important metrics and staying on track with your goals as your dental practice grows and expands.

Experience Jarvis in action. Request a demo today!


Contact us for more information about data tracking that leads to stand out patient care and organizational profitability.


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